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Sunday, March 3, 2013

3 Month Supply of Food: Getting started

Here is what Provident Living Today suggested:

  1. Pick out 2 weeks of recipes. Use easy meals your family eats now.

  2. Convert each meal to “non-perishable” foods. If you use fresh chicken, use canned. Fresh or frozen corn, use canned. You get the idea.

  3. Write each converted recipe on a 3 X 5 card. Run each card off 6 times.

  4. Times each ingredient by 6 and write how much or how many you need on a shopping list. There you have it a 12 week supply of food.

  5. Go shopping!!! Remember to take some help! You can do this in one big trip if you have the money, or gather the supplies over the next few months.

      Note: Use name brand labels.
      The metal is heavier and stores longer.

  6. Take each recipe and all the ingredients and put them in a gallon freezer bag - right down to the spices and cup of rice.
  7. Use Ziploc freezer bags, they hold up better. You can also buy the Jumbo size bags for a large family. Put the spices in a snack size bag. The ingredients like rice or a cup of biscuit mix can go into a sandwich size bag.
    Now put the recipe in and ZIP . . . It’s “ in the bag!” Store them in boxes under the bed or bins in the closet. You want them to be easily accessible.

  8. Keep a few meals ready to eat in the pantry and use them on busy hectic days. Keep the recipe cards. When you have a few stacked up, go to the store and replace the ingredients. This is a great way to rotate your three-month supply of food. Start eating your food storage now and save money.

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